The Process of Healing & The Cycle of Change

So often we hear the phrase “Heal” or “healing” but what does it actually mean?

Healing is a process in which you become “balanced, sound or healthy” again. Its actually not a ‘resting’ spot or ending. Healing can be ongoing, like the the Cycle of Change in which we prepare, take action, maintain, relapse, pre-contemplate and contemplate all over again.

We are forever growing, learning and re-learning.

The hardest parts of both healing and changing are the bumpy roads we often face.

In order to ‘heal’ or ‘change’ we must shed, lose and gain. This cycle of shedding might consist of eliminating or adding things, people and even places in our lives in which we need in order for a more balanced and healthy YOU to manifest.

During these processes, we must explore our deepest selves and be willing and open to seeing the full self (goods, bads and everything in between).

We must also un-learn certain things to re-learn more things.

Healing is not always sunshine and rainbows. Understand, when we do experience the ‘healed’ self, it can be so incredible and internally fulfilling. However, it is important to keep in mind, we may relapse in healing, such as new life events and experiences, all of which do happen in life. I.e. heartaches, grief, economic hardship, etc.

During these times, however, it is with great hope, we have people, belief practices, places and supports in our lives to help us navigate these changes. We do not have to heal or change alone. Utilize & rely on communities and tribes to aid along the processes.
Shouting from the roof tops “Together, let’s heal, grow, change and support one another!”
